As Black As Pitch


Corrupt ambitions..

Wrapped in somber deception.

Ah, evolution!

Behind rose tinted Ray-Bans,

They hide their maleficence!

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!

DAY 12 prompt is – BLACK.

Black is the darkest color. But is black really a color?
Well, that depends on who you ask. In light, black is the absence of color, but in pigments, black is a color that absorbs all or most light.
Unfortunately, this is a color that has some negative connotations and symbolism connected to it. Things like grief, black magic, and evil are often ascribed to the color black. But black is also seen as the color of intelligence and elegance. “Black tie” anyone? So what’s your take?

Poetry Form – TANKA.

Tanka is a classic form of Japanese poetry related to the haiku with five un-rhymed lines of five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables. (5, 7, 5, 7, 7). It is generally written in two parts – The first three lines is one part, and the last two lines is the second part.

In all honesty, I an really struggling with completing with the challenge this year y’all! Diurnal nose-bleed (even in this weather!), snuggling down in the new house (with a million other things to do!), unpacking (like a gazillion boxes!), festivities (it’s DIWALI in a few days!) – has all been taking a toll on my WP reading, commenting and responding. I’m really sorry for my DELAYED responses. Hopefully, things will get better (someday!) Till then, please bear with me and my sluggishness.

PS – You may read my previous OCTPOWriMo entries at – 1234567891011, 12, 13, 141516, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

Happy reading y’all!


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