A Tasty Tongue Twister


Scrumptious treats tease me into temptation,
Thrilling me, exaggerating expectations.
I cannot but manipulate this ambrosian instigation,
"To eat or not to eat" is a significant tribulation!

Varied flavors, promiscuous zings,
Thirstiness, titillating mid-night cravings.
"Somebody restrain me, this infatuation I can resist no more.."
In retrospect.. "Pass me that butyraceous casserole!"

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that someone needed to speak up against an injustice? Did you speak up? If yes, what did you say? If no, what do you wish you’d said? What does your favorite food taste like? What is the grossest thing you’ve ever tasted? Maybe you’d like to write about your first kiss. Or giving a speech. Or something else altogether. It’s up to you. It’s your tongue. Use it.


A Tongue Twister poem is made up of lines/verses that are hard to say when read aloud by using similar consonant sounds in succession (use of alliteration). In other words, the poem ties your tongue into knots. This form does not require end or internal rhyme.

PS – You may read my previous OCTPOWriMo entries at – 12345, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Happy reading y’all!


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  1. I loved this piece… But, developed a belly ache after reading. LOL!

    To answer your question… Have I ever stood up to an injustice. I feel I do that every chance I get.
    Over the summer, my car was just being hit in a supermarket parking lot, bu the man that kept backing up, kept on backing up with everyone yelling for him to stop and horns beeping like mad.
    This idiot actually backed into an elderly gentleman.
    The idiot got out of his car and started yelling and pouncing on the older gentlemans car, then started to go after him.
    This is where I never think of my own consequences…I got out of the car jumped between the idiot and the older gentleman before the idiot hurt the older man. I told this idiot the shut the “F” up, and get back in his car, other patrons called the police, and another man helped me because he was afraid the idot was going to hit me.
    Long story short… The cops were called, the older gentleman was not injurned, and the idiot… Well, he was driving with a suspended licence.
    Me…My anxiety went into full overdrive mode by the time the whole thing was over with. I forgot what I had to buy at the supermarket because I was so up.
    I will always jump to help another out if I am able. Especially, if it involes children and the elderly.

      1. Many thanks, Richa. Honestly, I wasn’t thinking of any of that. I was simply not thinking at all. I just jumped to aid the older gentleman because he was in need of being helped. I think anyone of us would help and elderly person if they were in trouble… Or, at least I like to hope so. 🙏

  2. First, 🤐; it can tempt you, but you won’t be partake. And if that doesn’t work, send huz these ⛓🔐… to lock up the cupboard of course! 😉 Fill your heart, with a the pleasure of life! 🍰😊

  3. Response from Inky to your wonderful response to the prompt

    (Rhyme – no good at tongue twisters)

    Salty or Sour ?
    Sweet or Sizzling Hot ?
    Someone say…Is this normal ice-cream ?
    Someone says (Its Not!)

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