No More Excuses!


“I don’t really have the time.”

“It is too scary to take the risk!”

“What will people say?”

“I don’t know how to?”

“It could have worked but I had no money”

Ah! Excuses! Well yes, these are the most familiar of excuses that we all are guilty of! Instead of pushing ourselves to achieve our goals, we take the easy route of “making excuses!” Yes!!!!!! an easy, effortless way out! Excuses, people – can be a very dangerous thing, pretty intense – as it holds us back and leaves us stuck in a vicious cycle of deferment and delay.

Have you ever tied to explain why you didn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t or just wouldn’t do something? In all honesty, I have! (and a lot many times than once!) Fear of failure, worrying about added responsibilities, perceived lack of self belief and confidence, fear of change – the reasons are abundant and varied, paralyzing us and leaving us stranded in a “no man’s land!” Believe me when I say that all of this negative self talk gets us nowhere. Broken dreams, crippled self-esteem, fragmented hope –  the damage is more than you can account for!

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Healthy Food Series – Apple

Happy Tuesday y’all! It’s time for the weekly Healthy Food Series on iScriblr.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Well yes, here I am, yet again with another “super food” to wipe us all off out feet! Healthy Food Series on iScriblr has honestly been an informative and “social enriching” ride so far and I am ecstatic with the enlightening journey – which has not only been “health conscious” but super communicative and newsy at the same time!

Our star of the day for Healthy Food Series is – APPLE!


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Memory Development! Say what?

Hey Everyone! It’s time for some REAL TALK!

Well, if you met me in real life, you’d know that I have an atrocious short-term memory. Since I practically never know where I’ve camouflaged important items (I swear my keys have invisible legs!) and am constantly forgetting the names of people I’ve just met, I’ve taken to keeping a “smart phone planner” on me at all times so I can quickly put down all the things that I’m bound to skip and forget. But while the planner trick is a helpful short-term fix, I’m always on the hunt for ways to help tutor my brain to avoid future confusion and embarrassment.


If you’re like me and need a little help curtailing forgetfulness, here are five science-backed hacks that can help improve your memory today.

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We See A Better Us

Hey Everyone! Happy Weekend! It’s REAL TALK time!

When life gives you a million reasons to give up.. Identify that one single ray of hope, worth fighting for!

do not give up

We must be willing to get rid of the life that we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for Us! Just like the old skin has to be shed before the new one can come, we have to evolve and break out of our inhibitions and apprehensions. It’s implicit that we would not like the change at first – hesitation, uncertainty, reservation – just a few emotions to begin with! But sooner or later, when the comprehension happens and when we take that last look in the mirror, We see a “BETTER US!”

Knowing that things were meant to happen, knowing that each day we learn something new, knowing that everything in your future is NOT determined by your past – abets us to breathe a little lighter and attempt the NEW!

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen.. yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.”
– Bradley Whitford

Let bygones be bygones, live in present, LIVE NOW!


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Weekly Photo Challenge : Favorite Place

“In every out-thrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.” 
― Rachel Carson

From.. The early morning “beach therapy!”
And.. The noon “beach leisure!”
Also.. The tranquil evening walks by the beach!
To.. Finally, when the sun sets!
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Healthy Food Series – Debunking Myths!

Happy Tuesday y’all! It’s time for the weekly Healthy Food Series!

Well guess what! We’ve successfully completed 3 months of Healthy Food Series and I am super stoked about the success rate! 9 super interesting and knowledgeable posts, with close to 1400 likes and 110 comments – Guys, we are on a roll! “Healthy Living” has never been this brilliant! Well, carrying on with the ritual of mindful eating habits and living a healthy life, here comes my latest post to a “healthful lifestyle” that not only keeps you appraised with the newest food trends but also helps you lose those extra pounds and (this time) break some myths!


There is no doubt about it , that as the first meal you eat in the morning, breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your day. Despite this, an estimated 31 million people skip breakfast every morning (NPD, 2011), with most saying they are too busy or just do not feel hungry. People sometimes erroneously believe that skipping breakfast is a good way to cut extra calories from their diet! (If only so!) Disastrously, this plan often backfires.
So what makes breakfast so important? One reason that breakfast is a critical meal is that it jump-starts your metabolism early in the day. The amount of time that passes between dinner and the first meal of the morning is the longest your body typically goes without any food. Eating right away implements your body with energy that controls your metabolism for the rest of the day (Consumer Reports, 2015). Additionally, people who skip breakfast tend to have increased levels of “ghrelin”, a hormone that has been associated with hunger. This may cause you to feel hungrier later in the morning, leading to overeating or an energy crash.
A healthy breakfast is a simple formula – complex carbohydrates plus protein plus fruit. Regarding complex carbohydrates – consider making steel-cut oats, buckwheat pancakes, whole-grain toast, bran cereal, oat bran muffins, or muesli. Then, add a source of protein (eggs, yogurt, a glass of milk, a protein smoothie, peanut or almond butter, or cottage cheese). Finally, add a piece of fruit to round out your meal. Walah! Get-set-go for an awesome “fully charged” day!


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Show Your True Colors

How often do we find ourselves doing things just because we have to and not because we want to? And yes, I am not talking about the hard work aimed to achieve success at jobs or the efforts to provide for your family. I’m referring to the things we do just to please others and to project a certain image of ourselves to the world that isn’t even coherent with who we really are! How often have we worn a “mask” awaiting approval of our family, friends, colleagues or even the auntie next door? And unquestionably, it is hard to live your best lives, when “best” is defined by someone else!

“There just isn’t any pleasing some people. The trick is to stop trying.”
Robert Mitchum


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The Too Much Information (TMI) Tag


Hey Everyone! Happy Weekend y’all!
Gosh! Am I guilty or am I guilty? I am a month late in posting this! (Yup, yet again! Silly me! Crazy winters!)

Yay! I’m really excited to have been tagged by Zankhana from SeleWritesUp for The TMI Tag. Yes, yet another prospect of knowing me a little better (and for liking me a little more!) Thank you Zankhana for this interesting tag! I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you! Guys, checkout her blog SeleWritesUp for some heartfelt musings.

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