


An unbid fondle,
A random sexist rub..
Somewhere expunged my dignity.

“Every touch has a memory!”

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!

DAY 10 prompt is – TOUCH.

A small touch can mean so much. But was it intended? What is touching you right now? What are you touching? I usually think of texture as adjectives, but today I want touch to be active. What happens when we use texture words as verbs? Objects bump, welt, smooth. And what do textures do to you? They can melt, dry, chill, prick, grate, knot, soften.


The Clarity Pyramid is a poetry form designed and constructed by Jerry P. Quinn.
A Clarity Pyramid is a poem consisting of two triplets and a single line (7 lines in all). Usually, this poem is center aligned when displayed.
The first triplet has 1, 2, and 3 syllables. The title of the poem is the one-syllable word of the first triplet, which is displayed in all capital letters. This line is followed by a two-syllable line, and then a three-syllable line, both of which clarify the definition of the poem, or are synonyms for the title.
The second triplet has 5, 6, and 7 syllables. Its design is based around a life event contained within the triplet which helps give a poetic view oroutlook on the first line (title).
The last line is 8 syllables, and is in quotations as this line contains a quote that defines the first word (title).

PS – You may read my previous OCTPOWriMo entries at – 12345678, 9, 10.

Happy reading y’all!


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  1. This is very deep and true. The soft caress of a lover or the cold clammy touch of a human parasite
    can leave marks forever. ONe desired. The other possibly ruining a life forever.

    Thank you for reminding everyone that there are evil men out there.

  2. Ah, yes. Unfortunately, I have all too many memories of such touches.
    Thank you for these words. They are important.

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