Wandering Clouds – Wordless Wednesday

Clicked on my tip to Tosh, Himachal Pradesh (India) – A picturesque trail to the mountains far beyond!
My attempt to capture the “vastness” in a frame!

Another one with me! (Just so you can comprehend the immensity and massiveness of World around us!)

This post is in response to the Wordless Wednesday prompt on WordPress where a “picture says a thousand words!” 


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          1. Well that could explain why I thought it was a child. There is also something happy and carefree about the figure so that is another part of why I though it was a child.

    1. You are so right Nisha. We sometimes forget how minuscule we are when it comes to the entire World!

      Thank you so much for stopping by!🙏

    1. Thank you so much!🙏

      There are many hikes at (from) this place to varied locations. The one that we did was almost 10 kms (6.21 miles)

    1. IKR! And hence I usually post one with me to emphasize on the immensity! 😉

      Thank you so much for stopping by Aixa!🙏

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