This was a crime scene straight out of an Alfred Hitchcock's movie - broken doors,
bloodied canvas, scattered objects d'art, burglarized safe
and a blood-soaked bare corpse.
"Was your wife an artist?" asked the stern copper, looking around,
investigating the multi-hued blood splatter in the in-house art room,
confirming - "forced entry with intent to rob and rape."
With tears in his eyes, despair all over his face
and little Susie and Chuck by his side,
Ben replied, "Yes, the best one in the country!"
Yay, yet another amazing tag! I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you so much Rory, it’s a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful campaign! *can’t get enough of the tags*
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is absolutely brilliant!
Chose a lifestyle that your body and mind appreciates!
A jam-packed auditorium and a million people, with ministers and diplomats in line.
"The First Woman On Mars" - It was indeed the speech of a lifetime!
"I got this", said Rita, with glistening-sparkly eyes. Her lecture-notes tightly gripped.
From a penniless orphan, living on streets, to a distinguished aeronautical prime.
This story is of dreams that refuse to crumble and DIE!
Another amazing tag! I was nominated for this super fun tag called ‘Friday Funday Challenge – Game On – You Name It! Tag’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you Rory, I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you!
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is an absolutely brilliant writer, spinning some wonderful work at his blog!
Ah, justifications! Too many, too little, who knows? Let’s be honest folks – We’ve all given justifications in our lifetime – sometimes necessary and required but most of the times, we go overboard with it, disproportionately, superfluously. Justification (in simple terms) means – explaining who you are, why you are who you are, why you believe what you believe, why you did what you did and why you said what you said. In short, it is clarifying and defining why and how you live! *shakes head in disappointment*
The weekend couldn’t have been more productive folks! Thanks to Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures, iScriblr went worldwide! *woot woot*
Read my ‘TRULY INSPIRED’ Interview (the first ever!)– where I share my beliefs, thoughts and ideology about the blogging world with some stirring facts, honest opinions and legitimate real talk!
Click HERE, if you do not wish to miss the details about my blogging journey and ME!
Me and my life!
Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity RORY. It’s been an absolute honor to be a part of this “INSPIRING” campaign! Your inputs, your thoughts, your acknowledgment are duly appreciated and prized.
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great Sunday!
Yay, another amazing tag for today! I was nominated for this super fun tag called ‘Spring Cleaning Book Tag’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you Rory, I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you!
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is absolutely brilliant!
Let’s get the fun started –
It’s time to make your bed, but you’re going to have some friends over later and want to pick the perfect book to place on your night-stand for them all to see that you’re “reading”. Which book do you choose?
Well, I would want my “guests” to feel welcomed. It’s all about good etiquette and courtesy.
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day!
Today is happy-happy-happy day for me and here’s why – Well, it’s been a while that I have been contemplating about creating a TAG of my own – a tag that is all about “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” – giving us the flexibility and leeway to interpret the “word prompt” the way we like and however we want! Photos, quotes, lyrics, poems or an article – this tag is open for all (and any kind of) entries and varied blogging styles. *woot woot*
Keeping in mind the assortment of tremendous talent here on WordPress, this is my attempt to present to you all a tag that is as free and unfettered as you and your thoughts! *throws confetti around*