Take That Tygpress!

Hey y’all! Looks like all our complaints worked!


Thanks to everyone, the entire blogging community that came up together as one to stop this mayhem. By successfully alerting all and by lodging complaints we were able to catch hold of the “content bandits!”
Here’s to hoping that the “respect for copyright” persists and prevails!

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Sending Out A SOS!

Hey Everyone! Hope you all are doing well? Well, things aren’t as rosy this side! *sad face*

I was supposed to write a post that talked about my recent face-off with the “AToZ Challenge 2019” – ponder upon the ups and downs of it, remark on what an amazing experience it was and THANK y’all for being so supportive and encouraging! But instead, here I’m (literally in tears) sending out a SOS!

It seems like I have “unintentionally” without any clue and knowledge UN-FOLLOWED many of you! All thanks to WORSTPRESS! Trust me y’all, if I was following you, there had to be a valid reason for it (coz I really like what you do/write!), and I just wouldn’t un-follow you out of the blue, and no reasons!

What I fail to understand is WHY? Why would WP think that it’s OK to delete me as a follower from your blog? Did I do anything wrong? *bawling my eyes out*


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