My 4th Versatile Blogger Award


iScriblr_versatileBlogger_awardHey Everyone!

I’m slowly making my way through tags and I’m pretty sure the list is impossible to keep up with! (Guilty!) I was tagged by the amazing J.C. at GETSETWRITE for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you so much for tagging me J.C, – its been an honor! Guys, go check out her amazing blog and give her a follow! She is an absolute inspiration!


The Versatile Blogger Award was created to feature and recognize blogs that have unique content, high quality of writing, and fantastic photos. As the web-page about the Versatile Blogger Award says – “Honor those bloggers who bring something special to your life whether every day or only now and then.”

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My 3rd Versatile Blogger Award


Hey Everyone! How you doin’?

Yay! Here comes another nomination! Thank you so much IngridMadisonAve for this awesome nomination! Guys, do be sure to peep through the window into this blogger’s world, because her page definitely does not disappoint. With dating advise, relationship gyan and alluring beauty tips IngridMadisonAve is the blog to visit and follow!

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My 2nd Versatile Blogger Award


Hey Everyone!

Yay! Another nomination! Thanks to Soumya Somani of Fresh Folium for nominating me for The Versatile Blogger Award back in February! I’m a little (or more, shamefully) behind on tags, clearly, so let’s jump straight in. But before that – Go check out her amazing blog and give her a follow! She is an absolute inspiration!

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