It's OK to cheat on others for a lovesome "love affair" with own-self!
One Liner Story – Survivor
The scars on my wrists narrate a story.. A story where I survived and my fears flat-lined!
One Liner Story – Success Mantra
Remember, the first step to guaranteed success is self belief; the second step - hardwork!
Flower Power – In Other Words

I am just an unpretentious flower, there's nothing exotic about me. Yet you place me on God's alter, Guess, you fancy my simplicity? From "Mary's Gold" to being called "Herb Of The Sun".. Yes, I am significantly - the auspicious one. My plainness, my modesty is my "USP", I am the symbol of passion and creativity. Sometimes, beauty is more than what you can see.. Remember your worth, let your actions speak for Thee!
One Liner Story – Mother
My pillar of strength, the anchor to our family; She's an inspiration, my evermore melody!
Fake Advertising – Three Line Tales
It was a deal of her lifetime, the one she wished not to refuse; selling off her soul to the advertising "devil" in hopes of "fake-positive" reviews. Deceiving and defrauding society was now closely associated with her name; conning, swindling the innocents, she became the best at the infamous fraud game. Life comes with it's own terms and conditions, alas, she'd forgotten; all that glitters is not always gold, sometimes the offer expires and treaties are broken!
Gold Rush – Three Line Tales
Breaking barriers, Crushing archaic dogmas. She dove to win gold!
Invisible Lover – In Other Words
Desiring your consideration, I have cried a million tears. "Invisible" to your complacency, I have died a million deaths. Inconspicuous indulgence! Your nearsightedness annihilates me, I can no longer take this any more. I wonder how can you be so unseeing and my love be so obscure?
Peaceful Warrior – Three Line Tales

It wasn’t easy being a girl in her country, especially when men decided, regularized and approved what women wore and did. From being disowned by her patriarchal community for wearing a revealing "suit" and for showing off her skin a little too much and too often, To surviving skepticism and finally winning a “gold” at the Olympics, Sana endured more than just some uneven bars and balance beams!
Hansel and Gretel – Three Line Tales

"Hurry up Gretel! You know we aren't supposed to be outside!" muttered fearful Hansel; alarmed by his sister's sudden recklessness. Realizing that all his previous warnings were too sloppy in front of the evident danger that lied ahead, he once again exclaimed; this time with painful tears in his eyes, "I'm telling you, this won't end good sissy.. She'll eat us alive..!" Oblivious to the obvious crisis, callously jumping off the water-side pebbles, Gretel playfully giggled and said, "Not this time Hans.. I'm sure, I've locked the oven lid tightly! The witch is gonna burn!"