Friday Funday Challenge – Horror Streak!
Hey Everyone! Yay, it’s FRIYAY, the 13th! *boo*
Guess what folks, another amazing tag! I was nominated for this super fun tag called ‘Friday Funday Challenge – Game On – You Name It! Tag’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you Rory, I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you!
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is a “treat” to read and follow on WordPress!
Brace yourselves, because this tag comes with a “spooky” twist to eulogize all the “bad things!”
Let’s get the fun started –
Family Makes It Better!
I am thankful of this life, I am grateful for you, This heart of mine dances, It recognizes and appreciates your true value. "You" have been my forever constant, Picking my faith up when it collapsed, You selflessly guided me, Channelizing my energies to the right path. My accomplishments are few, But my pain a little too many, Yet this content heart of mine is happy, Why not, I have you for company! This life has been a blessing, It has been one h*ll of a joy-ride, Thank you for your lovin', In you, my constancy I confide.
Dance Like There’s Nobody Watching
Hey Everyone! Hope y’all are doing wonderful?
As I was gallivanting around, whiling my time away “socially” this weekend, I came across (on a fridge magnet) a wonderfully simple, yet profound quote –
3.2.1 Quote Me! OPTIMISM!
Hey Everyone!
Yay, its TUESDAY tag time! I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures – Indeed, a wonderful campaign and an awesome initiative!
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow – He is undoubtedly a super brilliant writer!

We All Grow At Different Rates And That’s OK!
Hey Everyone! Hope y’all are doing wonderful? I am back again with my FRIYAY motivation and some REAL TALK!
Folks, don’t you think that there are times when you read (see) something and it straight away pulls at your heart, evoking memories, arousing recollections – reminding you of your long forgotten chapters of life? Some random quotes, some accidental lines, and you are back again at the corridors of time and tide.
7 Amazing Blogging Facts!
Hey Everyone! Hope y’all are doing wonderful? Happy Monday!
As I was whiling my time away this weekend, I stumbled upon some interesting “facts and stats” about blogs and blogging. Considering that I am a full-time blogger now (since I shamefully have nothing else to do!) the post immediately caught my attention and I went all “Googly” over it – exposing myself to a plethora of information, that (obviously) I can’t help but share with y’all. *knowledge shared is power multiplied*
Brace yourself – Because this post might or might-not hoist your blogger spirit and may or may-not open up your eyes about the nitty-gritty of blogging. Nevertheless, it will for sure make you wiser!
FUN FACT – Did you know – Justin Hall, an US freelance journalist is said to be the first blogger? Well, he managed to publish his first blog in 1994, while still in college! *the blogging pioneer*
Photographic Memories
Beyond the realms of worldly desires and yearnings, In arms of everything so genuinely serene.. This is where I lost myself, One photograph at a time!
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a wonderful day! Welcome to the WEEK 26 of “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” Challenge! *Happy Thursday*
Every Thursday, I will pick up a “prompt word” to be acted upon by y’all. You are free to go wild with your imagination and interpret the “prompt” in any way that you like – photo, prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, quotes, articles or drawing/painting – whatever works for you!
In short, it’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the prompt and go berserk!
Bookworm Problems
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing great!
It’s been a while since we’ve done something fun on! (Thanks to my “perpetual” illness that has restricted me from physically enjoying life in addition with mentally “bogging” me down! Sigh!) Well, ignoring the mayhem (which is much needed to maintain my sanity) here I’m, relying on the “universal fun language” aka MEMES to “brighten up” our day and add some agreeable giggles.
The STAR of our MEME attack for today are the “Oh! So wise” (like me) BOOKWORMS! Let’s get the fun started –
“I am a bookworm. For play, I bury myself in the corners of libraries and read.”
-Robert Littell