Mends Of Moments


Time heals
Time mends
Mends a broken heart
Mends all shattered dreams
Dreams are wild
Dreams can come true
True commitment serves
True intentions do win
Win we all must
Win we have to
To live is to toil
To survive is to fall
Fall to rise up again
Fall to attain
Attain sense of worth
Attain self respect
Respect is irrefutably earned
Respect is a choice
Choice is exhilarating
Choice is always yours
Yours to dwell
Yours to implement
Implement purpose
Implement fortitude
Fortitude to survive
Fortitude to overcome
Overcome your fears
Overcome all nay sayers
Nay sayers don't matter
Nay sayers will sooner or later bite the dust
Dust your hesitations
Dust all spiritual darkness
Darkness must dwindle
Darkness will never arise
Arise yourself instead
Arise your subliminal vision
Vision to achieve
Vision to seize the day
Day breaks with inspiration
Day begins with positivism
Positivism rules over everything
Positivism reigns supreme
Supreme mindfulness
Supreme allegiance
Allegiance to your true self
Allegiance to the ruling moments
Moments make memories
Moments don't last forever
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When “STARS” Fall – Suicide Awareness

Disclaimer – Today’s post is nowhere close to be a “hunky dory” affair! Unlike my usual self, today, I will be talking about hard facts, distressing depression and suicides!

TRIGGER WARNING – This article, or pages it links to, contains images and information about suicide which may be upsetting to some people.


It’s been a while that I have been meaning to write about this. But thanks (no thanks) to my allergies, terrible teeth ailment and being constantly under the effects of antibiotics and painkillers, I somehow wasn’t able to muster the courage and strength to write about such a “sensitive” topic. Well, the “final nail in the coffin” was yesterday’s news, that once again shook the world. “Kate Spade – who created an iconic, accessible handbag line that bridged Main Street and high-end fashion, hanged herself in an apparent suicide Tuesday at her Manhattan apartment.” 
Ah, another sad demise! Another life, lost too soon! Another painful reminder that we never truly know another’s pain or the burden they carry! *shudders in a corner*

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Give Yourself Time

Photo from Nicolette of Wilder Child

Fascinating, enthralling, prismatic – that’s how we see a butterfly. With colours and patterns so extraordinarily exquisite, a butterfly is a display to be smitten with and admire. But, was a butterfly always so beauteous? Was it always so beckoning?
Well, I used to think I knew how caterpillars become butterflies. You know, going through the regular process of metamorphosis – they weave cocoons around them, then sit inside growing six long legs, four wings, and so on, before emerging as a beautiful, winged creature. Well, as it turns out – I was so WRONG!

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