5 Powerful Affirmations for Happiness

Hey Everyone! Happy FRIYAY y’all!

It is Real Talk time! Well my people, it is a known fact that our happiness is determined by our attitude and our perspective towards life. Buddha said it best – “What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.” Yes!!!! The key to abiding happiness lies within us – in our words, our thoughts and our point of view – and positive affirmations offer an ideal way in which to use your words positively, to create change in your life. Plus, who minds a little pampering and what’s better than self-induced happiness and readiness?

Here are five daily positive affirmations (that are my absolute favorites) to help you invite more joy, peace, happiness and love into your life –


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8 Ways To Cultivate Positive Thinking

“You are what you think. All that you are arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts you make your world.”

Life is a constant challenge with numerous twists and turns. From as minute as the “early morning coffee spill” on your favorite white shirt, to as grave as a “break-up” to as heart-breaking as “when your pet dies” – Ah, such is life and the agony that comes along with it!
There is no doubt that we all want to break free from the “so-called” miseries of life and be perfect! As a matter of fact, we all ARE constantly seeking perfection and non-stop improvement, hoping for optimum outcomes and premium returns. Always, wishing for this and hoping for that!
Ummmm.. Well who doesn’t want to improve their lives? (I know that I want to!)

But wait! STOP! Are you sure that this pain of attaining “perfection” is not-self inflicted? Are you the one stealing your own joy? Are you creating your own miseries?


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Ranked In The Top 75 Happiness Blogs

Hey Everyone! Happy happy FRIYAY y’all!

Well folks, guess what happened while I was happily gallivanting in the “Smokies!” *drum roll* I received an email saying that I have been ranked 52nd in the TOP 75 HAPPINESS BLOGS on Feedspot! Shibby, ain’t it?

I am “IN THE SEVENTH HEAVEN” today! Yay! *happy happy dance*


When I started with this blog it was all about “testing the waters” and “canvassing the blogosphere”. Never did I think I would come this far! But you know what – hard work, diligence and determination never fails!
From “REAL TALK” to “MY TRAVEL DIARIES” to “HEALTHY FOOD SERIES” – my motive to write a post has always been about spreading – wellness, happiness and positivity and I am glad that I could achieve it!

I truly am stoked and humbled at this recognition and I really, really am proud of how far “we” all have come together as a team! The encouraging words and constant motivation from each one of you is priceless. Honestly, I wouldn’t be where I am today had it been not for your kind words, support and approval.

Here is the link if you want to check out the rest of the blogs (to get your daily dose of happiness) – TOP 75 HAPPINESS BLOGS AND WEBSITES TO FOLLOW IN 2018 
Trust me, there is so much to love and to be happy about here, at this link!

PS – I even get to put this logo on my home page now! *proud smiles!*

Thank you so much everyone for being my “pedestals of strength” and for taking the time out to read my heartfelt musings! I am so blessed to have you all as my avid subscribers! Your words, your reviews, your feedback – are imperative to my self-worth and growth and for making me believe in myself! *virtual hugs*

Signing of with a promise to only get better, finer and happier with every phrase and every post! Cheers!


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