Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful!
Look who’s back! *dabs like a boss*
YES folks, iScriblr is up and running! (Can’t believe it’s almost 9 months since I posted anything new!)
In all honesty y’all, being a MOM is not an easy job and MOTHERHOOD is definitely not for the faint hearted! *wink wink*
About a million times I’d decided to make a comeback, write a post and get back to blogging; and a million times I’d had to scrape that thought off because of gazillion “mommie duties” and never ending engagements. No matter how hard I tried to manage my day and work towards getting myself some “me time” – the truth of the matter was (is) that there is never enough time for a Mom!
Plus, the craziness involved to survive a pandemic also took its toll! And this Mama was a little to occupied saving her clan from the evil virus.
On a brighter side look how beautifully Little A’s grown up! These 8 months have been total bliss and we couldn’t have asked for more!