Hey everyone! How’s ya mama an’ them? (As you can make out I am already in my “Cajun” ensemble, saying what the Cajun’s say and that’s just a Southern Salute!)
What do you when the sun shines for two consecutive days for the first time since January 1st? Well, you put on your “party hats” and feel lucky that you’ve got an exclusive invite to your boss’s “Craw-fish Boil” event! Ah, free food and heaps of fun! *woot-woot*
For the ones who don’t know what a “Craw-fish Boil” is (and are finding me a little more excited than I should be) – It is a social “messy” affair which absolutely has nothing to do with virtuously sitting down at a table with sophisticated silverware, awaiting your first course on a silver platter! Well, in all honesty, it is more about getting your hands dirty and “wriggling” into the tastefulness of the succulent crustaceans by the pounds! (Ha! Talk about healthy living!)

Undoubtedly, nothing else symbolizes the Cajun (a member of any of the largely self-contained communities in the bayou areas of southern Louisiana formed by descendants of French Canadians, speaking an archaic form of French) culture of Louisiana like the craw-fish. Considered a Louisiana delicacy, the craw-fish (aka crayfish) resemble tiny lobsters – only much tender, juicier and flavorsome! (Yum!)
Also called the “mud-bugs” since they live in the mud of freshwater bayous, the craw-fish are “springtime staple” and the heart and soul of Louisiana’s long-established food industry.