We all feel stress in our lifetime! Dismally, stress is an inevitable part of our lives and there is nothing much that we can do about it, other than to stand up against it and fight back. There could be better days, there could be good days and on other days you are a chaos!
3.2.1 Quote Me! KNOWLEDGE!
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day!
Yay, yet again I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you so much Rory, it’s a pleasure to be a part of this movement! *pours some champagne*
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is absolutely brilliant!

Never Say Never!
9 Ways to Use Time Wisely
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day! Well, it’s time for some Real Talk.
Time – Something that we all wish for but hardly seize. Unlike diamonds and jewels, you cannot buy it off a counter, neither can you get the “extra serving” for free, like at your favorite TGIF! It is rather, our most valuable commodity – with no bargain or subscription policies in place.
We all know it as a fact that how limited our lives are, but we still, sadly, don’t know the value of time. We fail to realize the importance of time lost and “spend, kill, or waste” time as no ones business!
How many us have had the feeling of remorse and said “if only I had some more time?” Well, in all honesty, I have been a culprit of “wasting time” and a given opportunity spasmodically and then “repenting” over the time lapsed – not realizing that I did not make the most of it, when I had the shot! Sadly, time gone, is time lost – never to be back again! We can try as much as we want to, but just like a “missed” prospect, time returns for none.
3.2.1 Quote Me! ATTITUDE!
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day!
I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow! He is an absolute inspiration!

10 Ways To Live, Laugh, And Love Like A Child
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day! Well, it’s time for some Real Talk.
Ah, adulthood! Something that we all wish for, but certainly aren’t equipped to handle. (High hopes, eh?) Responsibilities, accountability, anxiety, and doubt – well that’s the latest version of being mature. From childlike foolery to a confined 24/7 cubicle with a 9 to 5 job, student loan debt and daycare expenses, work demands, the pressures of dating/marriage or children – somewhere, somehow, life catapults and we become adults!
I remember being a child and feeling like I couldn’t wait to be an adult because I would get to do what I wanted to, whenever I wanted to do it. (Yay.. Freedom!) Yet, here I am (all grown up) wondering “what the h*** happened?”
Busy, forlorn, lonesome, blue, running around in the mundane “rat race” called life – Well yes, that’s “adulting”! And surprisingly, everyone’s in it! Somewhere between careless frolics to overwhelming, stressful, and chaotic existence – situations changed and we matured!
3 Days, 3 Quotes Tag : Day 2 (Rumi)
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day!
This is the second of 3 days, 3 Quotes Tag for which I was nominated by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. To see which “inspirational” quote I chose for day one, check out yesterday’s post.
“If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished.”
8 Ways To Cultivate Positive Thinking
“You are what you think. All that you are arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts you make your world.”
– Buddha
Life is a constant challenge with numerous twists and turns. From as minute as the “early morning coffee spill” on your favorite white shirt, to as grave as a “break-up” to as heart-breaking as “when your pet dies” – Ah, such is life and the agony that comes along with it!
There is no doubt that we all want to break free from the “so-called” miseries of life and be perfect! As a matter of fact, we all ARE constantly seeking perfection and non-stop improvement, hoping for optimum outcomes and premium returns. Always, wishing for this and hoping for that!
Ummmm.. Well who doesn’t want to improve their lives? (I know that I want to!)
But wait! STOP! Are you sure that this pain of attaining “perfection” is not-self inflicted? Are you the one stealing your own joy? Are you creating your own miseries?
Life Without Regrets
“Our biggest regrets are not for the things we have done but for the things we haven’t done”
― Chad Michael Murray
Have you ever done something that you deeply regret? Do you wish you could go back and alter what developed?
Unquestionably, we have all done things in our lives that we would not necessarily go back and do again (Guilty!), but does that mean we must live with regret?
I guess, the BIG question is to how to move on, acquire and live a life with no regrets?
Well, it doesn’t mean that we start regretting “all” that we have done in our past, because had it not been for those “life lessons” we wouldn’t have been on this path of “self discovery!” Thank God for the errors, thank Heavens for the blunders, we are what we are today – wiser, smarter and more intuitive of our surroundings and performance. (Amen!)
We never know how long we have, so let’s start living a life free of regrets starting today! Here is my personal prescription of living a life without regrets, so that when we write the final chapter of our life story, we can make it a happy ending –
How To Let Go
Past – bygone, prior, elapsed! So, why dwell on something that is no more? Are you hanging onto the past and finding it hard to let go?
“Blame doesn’t empower you. It keeps you stuck in a place you don’t want to be because you don’t want to make the temporary, but painful decision, to be responsible for the outcome of your own life’s happiness.” – Shannon L. Alder
Undoubtedly, letting go can be difficult! Specially, when it comes to people, expectations, love, desires, unhealthy relationships, faith, beliefs, thoughts – that you have invested your time, efforts and life into! It’s a continued list, which is stuck in your head like a broken record. It is painful and for sure taxing. The reason I know this and understand the progression, is because I held onto the past for a long time. No matter how hard I tried, letting go was the hardest thing for me to do. It didn’t matter if it was people, expectations, beliefs or disappointments, the past always seemed to have power over me. The more I tried, the more I relieved the past (and the pain!)