Hey Everyone! Hope y’all are doing great!
Welcome to Terri’s Photo Challenge : Sunday Stills. (Another day and yet another inspiring prompt!) I am a little late, thanks to my out-of-town trip. But never the less, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world!
This week’s theme is “AROMA!”
“Each day has a color, a smell.”
― Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Mistress of Spices

Sunday Stills is a weekly photography link-up co-hosted by Terri Webster Schrandt on her blog Second Wind Leisure Perspectives. Each week there is a new word prompt to inspire a shared photo (or photos). Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!
What a great photo – that looks delicious! I have to admit, though, my mind was in a savoury place and I first saw a delicious pasta dish, lots of tomato sauce and cheese and a bit of white ricotta in it. Either way it would be amazing!
In all honesty, that was actually my first choice when I was looking for pictures on my computer, but then the “sweet tooth” of mine took over!😁
Thank you so much!😊
Yum yum 🤤
Wow, Richa, what a great combo of aromas! You are right, nothing beats the aroma of a chocolaty treat against the backdrop of the mountains! I hope I have some ice cream in the freezer! Hope you had a great holiday weekend!
Thank you so much Terri. Indeed, it was fun and something to remember for a lifetime!❤
I am definitely eating icecream after breaking my fast today🤣
The picture is aromatic as well as delicious😍
Haha.. You sure should! 😉
Thank you so much sweetie!❤
Love your take on the challenge, Richa! and for introducing me to the idea of a Smellscape! And that quote is a great trigger and a throwback to the movie. Thoroughly enjoyed this post!
Thanks to Terri for “Smellscape” – who would have thought that pictures would have an aroma! 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by!❤
Looks so yummy
Hehe.. It was! Thank you so much! 🙂
Aaaahhh, you ate it?
Oh yes, devoured it! 😉
It’s looking really yum 😋and tempting Richa though I am not a big ice cream fan😀
Haha.. It sure was yummy!😁
Missed it 😒😁
Awww.. Time to teat yourself with one asap!❤
Definitely! 😊💛
This Sundae has my mouth watering. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I have returned the favour and will visit again. In love and light Cheryle
Thank you so much. Appreciate it!❤️
wow looks so yum!
Indeed, it was! Thank you so much!😀
I am craving for it. ❤️😊
I am craving for it. ❤️🌸
Haha.. Time to treat yourself! 😉
I know. I have a sweet tooth. I really try to restrain but occasional succumb to temptations 😊
I know right! Happens to the best of us! Lol 😊
Yeah 😊
Yum! 😋
It was!!!! Thanks Winnie!😊
That sundae looks awesome! Just looking at the pic makes me drool (lol). You should put your link up of your massive Sundae into the Tummy Tuesday linkys.
Ooo.. I don’t know what “Tummy Tuesday” is..?? Will check around on WP.. Thank you so much!❤
I started Tummy Tuesday a couple weeks ago so it’s new. You can add the url to your food post on my Tummy Tuesday page you visited on Cactus Catz. There is a Mr. Linkys so you put in your name, your url and you have now because of the GDPR European Union regulations you have to click the cookie accept box (I understand people are upset about Facebook monitoring buying habits but this making everybody click cookie acceptance boxes is an excessive law and doesn’t address the real problem. Oh well.) The cookie is because the name and url link gets saved in the list of links as people put them in the Mr. Linkys Tummy Tuesday list. Hope to see yours on the Tummy Tuesday list too — you take some great food pics.
I tried participating – hope I have done it right! Thank you so much for this!❤
Yes, you made it in! Thank you. I’ll be doing another one on Tuesday. Hope to see yours again!
Excellent! Looking forward to it! 🙂
Those melting chocolate & icecream look so tempting !
You bet! Thank you so much!❤
Looooovely shot 👌 I would love to feast on a Sunday with a background like that 😍
It was indeed a lucky shot! Thank you so much.😊
I’m not that big into sundaes (I know, blasphemy! 😉 ), but I’m glad you enjoyed one! and the picture is amazing. as is the quote 🙂
Thanks love!❤
And yes, it was yummylicious! 😉
Yummy 😋,
am even hungry… 😂
Great picture darling ♥
Hehe.. You bet! Thanks love!❤
Excellent photograph
Thank you so much!❤
This looks delicious but I think I like the scenery even more! 💕
I guess the “sundae” tasted a little better with that picturesque scenery around! 😉
Thank you so much Aixa!❤
That looks delicious! And the view is awesome 😉
You bet! Thank you so so much love!💖
Any food would look/ taste great with those views. My ice cream would probably melt, because I would be so mesmerized, looking into the distance.
Haha.. I am sure it would! 😉
Thank you so much!❤