Of barren land, un-bearing turf and deserted acreage. Where death looms, sadness prevails and no man dare stride. This was once my "heaven on earth", today in shambles, thanks to your ersatz pride.
This post is written in response to Sonya’s Three Line Tales, Week #127 – where you write a “tale” in just 3 lines on the picture provided. My first ever attempt! Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!
Very cool. Love your story! Sad though. End of the world because of one man’s pride
Thank you so much! Yes, that is what I wanted to depict here.
So sad! Beautiful writing.
Thanks love! Yes, sad indeed!
This is a very strong responses to the photo challenge. Brief but it speaks volumes! Nice one!
I am glad my words could do justice to the picture. Thank you so much for your kind words!
Nicely done for the first time! 👍🏾
You are too kind. Thank you so much!❤
You’re welcome, saying it how I see it! 😊
Wonderful job Richa! Short and meaningful!
Thanks love! Was trying to do something different – I am glad it worked!❤
Wonderful imagination ! These 3 crisp lines speak a lot.
Thank you so much!❤
Nice work Richa!
Thank you so much! 🙂
Aww this is a sad piece yet it’s so gracefully written
lovely work Richa❤️
Thanks sweetie! Wanted to do something different (trying new things on WP) – And I am glad this worked!❤
I love it 😍
It’s a brilliant idea
Your welcome love ❤️
Thanks love!❤
Your welcome love ❤️
It’s amazing how you said a lot just in a few words 👏👏
I am glad this post made sense (my first attempt)! Thanks sweetie!❤
And you wrote it with perfection. Loved it
Aww.. Thank you so much!❤
My pleasure
It’s a wonderful tale. Great job! ❤️
Thank you so much sweetie!❤
It’s my pleasure, dear! ❤️ I really love it!
Its beautiful what you have written for the picture. You really are poetic. Loved your response to the picture.
Aww.. Thank you so much for your kind words sweetie!❤
Beautiful n thoughtful, emotionally written, keep blogging💐
Thank you so much! 😊
My pleasure💐
This is an interesting kind of exercise in writing. I’m a great fan of compression in messages.
I agree, it is really interesting to manage to express yourself is just 3 lines, specially when you have to interpret a photo. 🙂
This was my first attempt – hopefully will get better with time! 🙂
PS – You may check out the link for this in the post, in case you would want to indulge in future!❤
Nicely done the job👍👍
Thank you so much sweetie!❤
This is amazing, Richa! It reminded me of ‘Ozymandias’ by P.B. Shelley. You have painted quite a picture 🙂
Whoa, that was a masterpiece! 😉
Thank you so much for your kindness sweetie!❤
Always a pleasure 🙂