Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful and taking care of yourselves during these cray-cray times!
Just wanted to drop by and check on y’all and share this amazing news! Well.. Look who’s a BIG girl now! *wink wink*

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful and taking care of yourselves during these cray-cray times!
Just wanted to drop by and check on y’all and share this amazing news! Well.. Look who’s a BIG girl now! *wink wink*
Hey Everyone! Hope y’all are doing wonderful and making the most of the last few days for 2020!
Sorry for being MIA yet again! Motherhood for sure isn’t easy specially since you have to be your own village! (No thanks to Covid-19)
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful!
Look who’s back! *dabs like a boss*
YES folks, iScriblr is up and running! (Can’t believe it’s almost 9 months since I posted anything new!)
In all honesty y’all, being a MOM is not an easy job and MOTHERHOOD is definitely not for the faint hearted! *wink wink*
About a million times I’d decided to make a comeback, write a post and get back to blogging; and a million times I’d had to scrape that thought off because of gazillion “mommie duties” and never ending engagements. No matter how hard I tried to manage my day and work towards getting myself some “me time” – the truth of the matter was (is) that there is never enough time for a Mom!
Plus, the craziness involved to survive a pandemic also took its toll! And this Mama was a little to occupied saving her clan from the evil virus.
On a brighter side look how beautifully Little A’s grown up! These 8 months have been total bliss and we couldn’t have asked for more!
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing well!
I just wanted to stop by and check on y’all, coz the whole “CORONA VIRUS” thing has got me a little paranoid!
Hey Everyone! Dia duit! Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona Duit! And, if you don’t speak Irish, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Well, if you have noticed, I am already in the Irish celebratory spirit for St. Patrick’s Day! Hurá! Hurá!
For the not so wise ones, St. Patrick’s Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on the 17th of March, and named in honor of the patron saint of Ireland. The festival commemorates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, as well as celebrating Irish heritage and culture. Thanks to internet and www bubble, Irishness is celebrated around the world, by many people, Irish and non-Irish alike, with food, drinks and all things GREEN!
Here are a few “interesting” things that you might not know about the Irish festival!
An evermore avatar of AFFECTION, With a glistening badge of BELIEF, A spirit that is so CHEERFUL, DEVOTED to the T. She is an epitome of EMPATHY, She is FEARLESS and GALLANT, No patriarchy can bring her down, She is HEROIC, she is INDEPENDENT. JOYFUL and euphoric, With KINDNESS that shines through, She breathes LIFE into the lifeless, She is MESMERIZING, she is beautiful. Believing in her NATURAL beauty, She endeavors to OVERTAKE the world, Annihilating the clouds of doubt with POISE, She is a QUEEN - the one that REBELLED. SUCCESSFUL and prospering, She is what aspirations are made of, Her TALENT surprises all her nay-sayers, She is for real, she is UNBEATABLE. Her VALOR is par excellence, No cynic can bring her down, She is a WOMAN of substance, She is XENIAL, the one who can not be dis-crowned. Her YOUTHFULNESS is relentless, Her ZEALOUSNESS can not be paralleled, She is forbearing and merciful, SHE is what makes the world inhabitable!
Happy Valentines day everyone! I "wuff" y'all!
Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful!
Look what happened while I was gone! *wink wink*
Happy Happy New Year everyone!
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”
― Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Year 2020 is here! A brand new year and a sparkling new set of dreams, aspirations and resolutions! Yes y’all, it’s that time of year again – The time, when we feel the need to turn over a new leaf and become a new, evolved us! It’s time for us all to reflect on our past year’s doings and promise to make positive lifestyle changes. *Yay*