Mighty Lights – Wordless Wednesday

Clicked during one of my walking sessions by the Mississippi River – The “Oh! So gorgeous” MIGHTY LIGHTS on the Hernando de Soto Bridge, Memphis, Tennessee (USA).

This post is in response to the Wordless Wednesday prompt on WordPress where a “picture says a thousand words!” 


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  1. I love this!!! I’ve seen it now in various Instagram accounts 😉👍 You are now star level ⭐️⭐️⭐️

          1. On a serious note – It’s a sorry state if affairs! Hopefully, things would calm down!😣😣

  2. My cat is interested in sitting on a riverboat all night and gambling. He likes food. A vicious rumor was circulated that he doesn’t like food, and he wants you to know that he does like food.
    Anything fished out of the Mighty will do. Please tell everyone that Thomas does like food.

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