How I Got My Spark For Life Back!


We all know about my life story – The story about changing countries, marital status and job profile, all at once! (Things happen, you see!) From being a career oriented woman to “just” a home-maker and from being a “happy-go-lucky” spirit to a “down-trodden” mortal – “LIFE” sure did storm in like a “tsunami!”
Well, that was then! Thankfully, things changed for good. Post some dark clouds and silver linings, with abounding struggles and exertion, I realized – “this is how life is supposed to be – with some obvious highs and lows” and every accompanying struggle and uncertainty is a permanent baggage that we ALL carry. No escape! Period.

I did what I was supposed to do – I shook off all the deep-rooted fears and eluded apprehensions and limiting beliefs, to finally regain my peace of mind and sparkle. I agree, it’s been an uphill task to say the least, with abundant apprehensions and trails. But once I realized that “I was the master of my own fate” – it was easy for me to “channelize” my thoughts, energy and diligence towards achieving what I’d lost (or thought I’d lost!)

“Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to you in life, happened because you said yes to something. Otherwise things just sort of stay the same.” 
― Danny WallaceYes Man

In all honesty, “loss of spark” happens to all of us! (Even to the best of us!) Whether it’s your job, relationships or anything else, life for sure starts to feel a bit too predictable and likely – just like an old record that plays repeatedly, un-harmoniously, clashingly. Yes, you begin to worry more and become less passionate about things in life which “used” to get you all excited. You feel drained, tired, exhausted. You take fewer chances and became more timid, almost shying away from any of the challenges and delight, secluded, dispirited.
So, how do we get out of the rut and get our spark back? How do we reignite the flicker that’s been dying inside us? How do we break free from the mundane “rat race” called life and LIVE entirely?

Here is my personal prescription of how to break free of the ordinariness and get that “glitter” on. These are the practices that I come back to each day. Especially, when stress and difficulties start to build and life becomes a little too much to handle.


Getting your spark back means connecting with your values and using them every day. It’s the most important step of the “Getting Your Spark Back Module” – where you have to consciously rekindle your “love story” with yourself. Be confident of yourself and learn to re-trust your instincts, just as you used to before. Always remember, your values are the building blocks, foundations and cornerstones for who you really are and they’re the things that make you you – hold on to them and believe in them.


Use this efficient tool – to capture your hopes about the future. Then figure out how to make them come true! Trust me, journalising my thoughts, ideas, emotions, dreams and aspirations – have helped me a lot in channeling my “core” towards achieving my goals, and to finally let go of past experiences and heal.


Recognize that it is OK to make mistakes! The art is to learn from them and grow. Forgive yourself often and move on. By choosing to forgive, you release ourselves from the grasp of resentment, moving ahead in your lives. Be a little more open-minded and less judgmental.


Positive self talk makes you feel good about yourself and the things that are going on in your life. It’s like having an optimistic voice in your head that always looks on the bright side. Remember, if you keep telling yourself you’re not good, regularly – you might just start believing it, even though it’s not true – augmenting your disappointment in yourself. Try countering your negative thoughts with positive ones. Believe in yourself! By working on replacing negative self-talk with more positive self-talk, you’re more likely to feel in control of stuff that’s going on in your life and to achieve your goals.


Always keep moving forward! Set goals for yourself and challenger yourself. If you continuously set goals for yourself and work hard towards achieving them, you’ll develop an appreciation and respect for yourself that no one else can provide. Do something creative. Pick a hobby. Be curious and be persistent about your curiosity and make this practice of “acquirement” an integral part of your adult self.


When you set your life up in an “auto-pilot” mode, undoubtedly, life gets a lot smoother. But on the flip-side, if you have everything so tightly coordinated and run according to a particular routine, you leave little (or no) space for anything else – resulting in a spark-less, lack-luster pattern. So, you better start to shake things up! To begin with, try to make small changes that are not too emotionally challenging. Change your daily and/or work routine. Attempt something new every week, or every month. Try something new – food, music, art, activities you’ve never done (but always wanted to do). Undertake a creative project of any kind, where your thinking is channelized in a whole new way. Be brave and try to add newness to your life. Lastly, be open to adventure and don’t shy away from the freshness.

So there you have it folks – its time to turn a new leaf, regain your lost spark and get rid of the heavy, uninspired feeling that seems to always hover on your shoulders. Learning that a true “spark for life” comes from a place of deep “acceptance of oneself” and the “ability to find contentment and joy with life” as it is now – is how you can and will LIVE this life as it is supposed to be!

Here’s to the NEW  “sparkly” you! Cheers!



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  1. Wow ! I’m really proud of you for being so brave.
    It couldn’t have been easy for you to go through that and make it out on the other end.
    Now you are an inspiration to so many of us and I’m so glad you got your spark back for life ❤️

    Life is an upheaval all by it’s self, but I reckon ones will power to overcome the challenges thrown at them can either dim or brighten their lives

    1. Aww.. Thank you so much sweetie! Really appreciate all the kindness. We all are an INSPIRATION in one way or another!❤️

      I agree, its been an uphill task but yay, I have managed to believe in the fact that life will somehow be full of such “tests” – and you just have to fight your way out!
      Its all about how you “wire your brain!”❤️

      1. Your very welcome love ❤️❤️
        True all of us are an inspiration in one way or another in our own unique ways.

        With life we always have to be on our toes for whatever it throws our way.
        We got this ❤️

  2. Not only sweet, but strong and such a beautiful, warm and caring soul. You definitely have a way of affecting people! Almost all, if not all, of these are incredibly relevant and hit the nail square on the head. Ironically, I lost the spark that kept me fueled for a long time. And only recently did it reignite.

    So I’d like expand one you touched on. Once I realized it was happening and did something about it, I found my spark. But, I had to first recognize it, then find the strength to accept it, stop blaming myself and actually rid myself of it. Because there is nothing more damaging then someone/thing that is toxic. Even the sweetest things can be toxic. That is the problem. Toxicity can hide in many forms like sugar coated lies and rose covered gestures. If you are rationalizing or making excuses, or find that you are blaming yourself or taking responsibility for things that you did not do, then it’s toxic. Like I said, once you recognize and accept it then it is time to start cleansing and it will be hard. Stay strong, stay true, develop a support system to help keep you focused, especially in times of weakness. The toxins will will stop attacking and clear out. The air will once again be fresh, the sun will be bright and the spark will reignite.
    Your post just hit too close to home not to share. I hope you don’t mind. (You could always just not approve it 😬😳) Thank you for this gift!

    1. I am so so glad that this post resonated with you! You are absolutely correct about toxicity and self belief/realization. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kindness and valuable inputs.🙏
      PS – Feel free to share. No worries!😊

  3. Yes! Yes and yes. Life is meant to be lived to the full. Not wantonly and without regard to self or others, but to enjoy and marvel and blossom every day. For me, a spiritual self-awakening two decades ago was the start of real “freedom”. Bravo to you.

    1. Exactlyyy!!! Thank you so much. Appreciate your kindness.❤
      Congratulations on your awakening too – its not easy to rise up and start afresh!❤

      1. You really went through a lot, major life events that drastically changed! I suffer from seasonal affective disorder in the winter (SAD), a temporary seasonal depression but anxiety was added into the mix two winters ago. I almost deleted my blog!! Your advice and experience are very helpful and valuable to many people! Thanks for sharing your story, Richa!

        1. Thank you so much. Appreciate your kindness.❤

          I agree, its not an easy task, but then I have managed to believe in the fact that life will somehow be full of such “tests” – and you just have to fight your way out.
          Best wishes and love to you.❤

  4. What a wonderful and inspiring post ! It is true loss of spark happens even to the best of us and ups and downs of life are universal. Love all the points you compiled especially being less critical of yourself and others. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I can definitely relate, dear! ❤️ My friends helped me too. They reminded me of my strengths. I love this post! ❤️

  6. You have been strong for years with that beautiful smile on ur face …you truly are an inspiration darling❤

    1. Aww.. Thank you so so so much sweetie – It is all coz of the “few” wonderful friends like you!❤
      This is such a pleasant surprise – Today seems like my luck day! Love!❤

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