Flash Flood Warning

Hey Everyone! Happy Thursday y’all! (Just another day till the weekend! Yay!)

Well, while I was eagerly waiting for the winters to end (yes, I have had enough!), seems like the weather Gods had something else in mind! With a record-breaking rain since February 1949, Memphis (and the Mid-South) had what we call is the “Flash Flood Warning!” With almost 13.43” (which is around 9″ above normal) of rain so far over the span of last few weeks – life for sure, has been gloomy, damp and slushy. Thankfully, Memphis is point 5” away from the flood flight activation trigger, so we are safe for now. (Phew!)

“You should never try to out guess Mother Nature because when you do, you come off second best.” 
― Anthony T.Hincks

Making most of the little sunshine that we experienced today, I managed to click a few pictures for you all to see. The massiveness and immensity of Mississippi River, brimming in its full glory – is a sight to behold and adore. With submerged trees, swamped walking trails, sunken conduits, drowned saplings, floating planks and invisible tracks – it’s a picture which is both intimidating and impressive at the same time.





When Mother Nature dictates, well, you take notes and learn! (No questions asked!) Guess it’s time for me to re-fill my coffee mug and curl up in my blankie, with a hope for “sunny days” and “clear skies”.

Stay safe! Cheers!



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  1. The eastern 2/3 of the continent are either experiencing, or anticipating, the worst large-scale weather event since Superstorm Sandy. M y prayers and careful monitoring of this event are a priority, this weekend, even from safe and sound Arizona. Too many loved ones are in Riley’s wake.

  2. I was going to say watch out for crocs but my partner has just said you don’t have them in Arizona. Great pictures

    1. Today is a much better day. Its sunny and warm – hopefully things will get better from here. Thank you so much! 🙂

  3. That’s a lot of water! I hope it hasn’t gotten worse with this weekend’s weather…?

    1. I reckon, this year the weather has been bonkers!🙄
      Thankfully, it’s a better day today – lots of sunshine!🌞

  4. Just been warned we are expecting 6″ over the next two days (in Australia) with possible flooding…and I came through onto this page. How is that for synchronicity 😀
    Might just get my life jacket out just in case I think 😀
    Great shots, hopefully I will still be able to see the tops of tree’s too 😀

    1. Stay safe and take care of yourself coz the weather has been really treacherous this year!🤧
      Well, it was supposed to be the first day of “spring” here and we are still sitting at 49°F with 85% humidity, overcast skies and cold winds! God, I miss summers!🤦
      Haha.. Synchronized, yes!😇

  5. Forgot to look at the rate you posted this one! Are you in Kentucky? We are still wringing ourselves out after the Ohio, Green,and Rough Rivers were in flood in late Feb. and early March!

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