Hey everyone! It’s day 7 of the “December Photo Challenge” by Through The Eyes Of Gracie. Yay! 18 days to Christmas!
With no snow yet in Memphis, I had to really, really look around for “something white” to click. Sugar, soap bubbles, my white crockery set, a white dress – nothing seemed to be “photo-worthy!” Thank God for the friendly (please don’t judge her by the looks, she IS friendly!) neighborhood cat who graced us with her presence at the last minute for a perfect click. (Who said that the cats don’t bring any good luck?)
Day 7 topic – SNOW/SOMETHING WHITE and here is my take on it –

That’s a cool cat! 😃
Indeed! We call her “Miss Flash!”💕
Fun 😀
Aw. That is a pretty cat!
Thank you so much!💕