

Distinctly ecstatic,

Delightful divine grace,

Dancing on the blue moon,

Delirious of pain,

Dispensing confidence,

Debauchery untamed,

Delicious attainment!

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!

Day 30 word prompt is “DANCING ON THE MOON!”

Suggested Form – Pleiades.

This titled form was invented in 1999 by Craig Tigerman, Sol Magazine’s Lead Editor. Only one word is allowed in the title followed by a single seven-line stanza. The first word in each line begins with the same letter as the title. Hortensia Anderson, a popular haiku and tanka poet, added her own requirement of restricting the line length to six syllables.

“It’s time to celebrate a job well done, a love won, the turning of the sun. Write about that exuberant feeling you get whenever you are happy, that feeling that makes you feel like dancing whether it’s on the earth or the moon!”

As always any feedback and advise is more than appreciated!


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    1. It sure is sweetie!❤

      Though I’m more of a “free spirit” when it comes to dancing, I’m trained in “Kathak”.. But it’s been a while since I’ve danced the way I used to! 😉

        1. Hahaha.. Wonderful! That’s the way to go about it!💃💃

          There are many places that offer dancing lessons for “grown ups” like us!❤
          I’m too thinking of joining “zumba” classes- time-pass plus will help me lose some weight! 😉 😛

  1. Hi Richa..
    Hope you’re doing well……
    Since I know you from so long on WordPress…..
    But I’m not sure If you allow this to me…..
    I’m asking that I want to write for iScriblr……..(just because I need a bit more exposure for my content)….
    Would I be eligible??….

    1. Hey there! Long time! (Hope all is well?)

      I’m so sorry but I do not understand what do you mean by “write for iScriblr?” Would really appreciate if you could shed some light on what exactly are you needing so that we can work towards it..

        1. In all honesty, I’m not too sure about the co-author part, since this is a personal blog where I “express” my feelings, my likes and dislikes, my happy and sad moments and my exclusive musings – making “iScriblr” a very intimate part of my life and me. 🙂
          We can collaborate someday on some topic or I can sometime share (re-post) one of your published posts to get you the required traction – if that helps?

          Also, you may look at the “not-so-personal” blogs on WP, who indulge in co-authors and might be interested in having you on board.

          1. It’s alright then……
            No problem…☺
            I’m sorry to ask you……
            You can Repost my articles, If you would like…..☺…
            Thank you so much… 😄

    1. Thank you so much!❤️

      I agree, it sometimes gets a little difficult to express freely when you have “poetic rules” to follow! 😉

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