Ambiguous Loyalty


Lost love,
Broken trust,
Forsaken promises,
Ambiguous loyalty,
Yet I survive,
Forgiving and forgetting again,
Not any regrets, only lessons.

Only lessons, not any regrets,
Again forgetting and forgiving,
Survive I yet,
Loyalty ambiguous,
Promises forsaken,
Trust broken,
Love lost.

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!

Day 22 word prompt is “BETRAYED!”

Suggested Form – A Palindrome.

Also Known as Mirrored Poetry – A palindrome, by definition, is a word, phrase, verse, sentence, or even poem that reads the same forward or backward. It stems from the Greek word palindromos: palin, meaning again, and dromos, meaning a running. Combining the two together, the Greek meaning gives us, running back again..

As always any feedback and advise is more than appreciated!


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    1. I agree, for a novice-poet like me, it was an intriguing style to work on.
      Plus. this picture felt so apt for the emotions that I wanted to portray in this piece!

      Looking forward to your post! 🙂

  1. Lost Love
    Trust broken
    Promises forsaken
    Loyalty Ambiguous
    Survive I yet
    Again forgetting and forgiving
    Regret not
    Lessons only

  2. Love how well you handled the palindrome, Richa! It reads so well. It was really difficult for me, took longer than I wanted, and it ended up…being very dark.

    1. Really, you’ve done it before? WOW!❤
      Though I’d heard about it, its the first time that I’ve attempted to do one! 😉

      Thank you so much for your constant support sweetheart!❤

      1. Yeah, in college I experimented with a lot of different styles to challenge myself. Now I find for the most part I prefer free verse…once in a while I like to mix things up though.😉

        It’s always a pleasure Richa, I’m glad I’m a part of this community and I get to share, support, and connect with each other here.😊❤️🤗

        1. Hahah.. I agree, Tbh, #freeVerse is my favorite too! Guess, we both don’t like any restrictions when it comes to our thoughts and emotions! 😉

          Yes, WP has been more than a family to me!😊❤️🤗

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