5 Powerful Affirmations for Happiness

Hey Everyone! Happy FRIYAY y’all!

It is Real Talk time! Well my people, it is a known fact that our happiness is determined by our attitude and our perspective towards life. Buddha said it best – “What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.” Yes!!!! The key to abiding happiness lies within us – in our words, our thoughts and our point of view – and positive affirmations offer an ideal way in which to use your words positively, to create change in your life. Plus, who minds a little pampering and what’s better than self-induced happiness and readiness?

Here are five daily positive affirmations (that are my absolute favorites) to help you invite more joy, peace, happiness and love into your life –







Write them down and keep them somewhere where you can read them often – perhaps on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator door or on your desk at work. (For me the bathroom mirror works great! It is a definitive pretty sight, every morning!) With these affirmations at your disposal, you’ll feel strong enough to tackle anything and be more capable of creating the life you want and truly deserve. (Tried and tested!) Well pals, repeating these affirmations may or may not make you happy, but they will definitely change your perspective towards life and the challenges it throws at you!

“You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.”
Marianne Williamson

PS – Please feel free to use the Images for your reference coz “sharing is caring!” To download the images on the computer, right-click to save. From mobile, press on the image to save.

Do you have any affirmations or mantras that keep you in a happy place? Share them below!



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  1. When I’d start blaming other people for how I was feeling, my mom would say, “You have to make your own party.” Boy, was she right!!

  2. My favourite;
    For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

  3. I’m still learning at 57. If I feel deficient in a particular subject, I find a book on it and read it. I’ll never know everything, but it’s fun trying to…

    1. It’s never too late or too early to embrace the unknown and research. I bet, you are doing an awesome job at it. Plus, who minds the wisdom that come along? 😇

  4. You have really provided me with so much material for my students! 😊 Thank you for sharing.

    I have two that stick with me (if you want to know 😛) 1. Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you. and 2. Be the type of person you want to meet. 💕
    (I also still want to know if you took the photos?.. I love them, especially in black and white!

    1. I am so glad this made sense – Been a little “dumbstruck” creatively lately! 😉 😛

      1. Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you. and 2. Be the type of person you want to meet. – Love, love, love them! Perfect phrases to live by!❤

      About the photos – From Pixabay and edited on Canva! 😉

      1. Well the editing is awesome! 😜 you should do one with you. That would be really awesome! I can def relate with the creativity. Sometimes the “wordless” prompts are the most convenient. 😂 💕

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