Hey Everyone! Happy Weekend!
Yay, yet another amazing tag! I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you so much Rory, it’s a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful campaign! *can’t get enough of the tags*
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is absolutely brilliant!

In the words of – A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip (the creator of this tag) –
“Everyone loves quotes right? So l figured to introduce a bit of light-hearted fun with this series. It’s simple – Every day l will pick a topic, post 2 quotes and nominate 3 bloggers, who in turn will post 2 quotes on that topic and nominate 3 bloggers of their own and let’s see how far we can take that topic for the day.”
1 Thank the Selector and do not forget to tag/create a “ping-back!”
2 Post 2 quotes for the dedicated ‘Topic of the Day.’
3 Select 3 bloggers to take part in ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’
Hi friends! Care to do this? This time, this tag is open to all – feel free to participate!
Let’s pass-on the FUN folks!
Hey Richa what l love about you is your 100% dedication to these tags and the game – so thank you 🙂
Brilliant quotes and especially the second one 🙂 I think a lot of people forget that.
Thank you so much Rory – You are doing a wonderful task with these tags and I am just glad that I am able to participate! 🙂
Yes, you are right – we need to remember that it starts from within! 🙂
Excellent quotes Richa!💛I believe healthy mind lives in a healthy body ❤️
Thanks love! Yes, absolutely!❤
sour cream and asparagus. never tried the combination before. how do you ‘slightly’ char it?
I usually follow this recipe to the T –
“Heat a medium, heavy skillet (not non-stick) over high heat for 2 minutes. Coat pan with cooking spray/olive oil and immediately add asparagus pieces to pan, shaking them into a single layer; cook, without stirring, 2 minutes or until asparagus is very lightly charred.”
I love my fish with sour cream! 🙂
yum. thanks for the tip.
You are so welcome! 🙂
Wonderful Quote!!! Thanks for sharing and the shout out for Rory and his blog! He’s a great writer and Friend!! Please do go and check out his blog!!
Thank you so much!😊
Indeed, Rory is the WordPress star!🙋
Great post. A refreshing read always
Thank you so much!😊
Stay charming. My pleasure always ❤️
You too! #godBless ❤️
I totally agree being healthy needs to come from a mind, body,and spirit approach as a holistic lifestyle. 💪💕😊
Definitely, staying healthy should be a lifestyle.
Great post Richa ❤️
PS- that food looks scrumptious 😋
Thanks love!❤️
Your welcome love ❤️
Nice post👍
Thanks much! 🙂
I totally agree with you on that wonderful quotes. ❤️
Thanks love! Appreciate you stopping by!❤
You’re welcome, dear! ❤️
Oh that salmon fish looks delicious! Great quote 😍
Hahaha.. Tasted divine! 😉
Thank you so much for stopping by sweetie, appreciate it!❤
I love, love that first quote especially as I am trying to change how I eat these days
Glad this post resonated with you! Wish you good luck for your weight loss journey! 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by, appreciate it!❤
I love this quote! Once you make a good diet a lifestyle, you don’t really miss the old food.
You are right Aixa! It’s all about be wise and taking care of your body/mind the way it is supposed to be! 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by sweetie, appreciate it!❤
Amen to that!
Great quotes!
Indeed. Thank you so much for stopping by love, appreciate it!❤
Great post, I love the quote about health starting from the inside out, so true!😊❤️