Dance Like There’s Nobody Watching


Hey Everyone! Hope y’all are doing wonderful?

As I was gallivanting around, whiling my time away “socially” this weekend, I came across (on a fridge magnet) a wonderfully simple, yet profound quote –

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Life Is A Gift – What Do You See?


Wrapped up in glitter, 
is a gift called LIFE.
A mystery of sorts -
anticipating explanation.

Exploring mortal feats -
it unwraps it's beliefs.
Sometimes it dismays,
sometimes it is sweet serendipity.
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Ugly Dolls – Three Line Tales

Photo by Jack Anstey via Unsplash
"One ticket please" muttered Betty nervously, 
pointing out at the train schedule with her trembling little fingers; 
her voice as precarious as her irresolute future, 
her "despicable-ugly" face hidden behind a frail veil.

"You goin' to Uglyville, eh?" mocked the indifferent conductor; 
seemingly cognizant of the new legislation passed by the King 
about all the unwanted-redundant "Ugly Dolls" of the town.

Betty nodded a desperate yes, 
as she grasped the "one-way ticket" to her deliverance; 
a ticket to a hopeful place 
where weirdness is celebrated, 
strangeness is special and 
beauty is embraced as more than what meets the eye!
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Mix-tape From The Past

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful!

Yay, yet another exciting tag! *happy dance*
Thank you so much Jenna from The Sunshine Artist for tagging me for the super fun Fun Friday Flashback Tag! I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you! Guys, go check out her amazing blog and give her a follow. With bounteous optimistic and heartfelt musings on her blog, she is undeniably awesome!

PS – I am pretty late with the tags and I really am sorry for being so impassive about them! For the one’s who’ve tagged me, I’ll be covering y’all soon, pretty soon!


Every Friday Jenna will post a questionnaire, photos, quotes and/or a poem on a specific “topic” taking us back in time. Today’s travel through time is all about a musical playlist, retro style!

Let’s turn back in time and get the fun started –


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Desperate Housewife (Not!)

“It’s sad if people think that’s (homemaking) a dull existence, [but] you can’t just buy an apartment and furnish it and walk away. It’s the flowers you choose, the music you play, the smile you have waiting. I want it to be gay and cheerful, a haven in this troubled world. I don’t want my husband and children to come home and find a rattled woman. Our era is already rattled enough, isn’t it?” 
― Audrey Hepburn


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