P Is For Passion – A to Z Challenge 2019


Fierce storms of PASSION..

Steams up an apocalypse.

She's a gale of lust!

Welcome yโ€™all to the day 16 of the A to Z Challenge 2019! Yet again a HAIKU โ€“ย  glamorizing the “ardorโ€ and “vivaciousness” that breathes in a women’s heart! Well, how could we talk about “women” and ignore the “passion” and “oomph” that she flaunts? ( FYI : GALE here means – a storm or a hurricane)

PS โ€“ You may click on the alphabet to check out my previous A to Z Challenge 2019 posts

Aย Bย Cย Dย Eย Fย Gย Hย Iย Jย Kย Lย Mย Nย O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Happy reading yโ€™all!


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