

With a heart so vast,

That only conceives devotion..

There's no love like hers!

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!

DAY 3 prompt is – WOMB.

Giver of birth, definer of womanhood, for some a monthly pain to be borne stoically, for others a bringer of joys of motherhood. We all have a relationship with the womb for we were all conceived there. Whether we choose motherhood or not, or are cheated of the chance to give birth, or the number of kids we want to have, pro-life or pro-choice, in some ways we decide our womb’s role. So, what is your relationship with your womb? Let the words just flow and maybe you will be surprised by your own feelings regarding this integral part of a woman’s anatomy.

Suggested Form – FREE VERSE.

PS – Read my previous OCTPOWriMo entries at – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Happy reading y’all!


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