Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day! It’s time for some Real Talk!

Each of us have our own “comfort zone” which, more than an actual place is an emotional-psychological safe haven involving our daily habits and routine. Being in our comfort zone implies protection and security, minimizing any risks and stress. It’s a warm, safe cocoon where we are happily existing, distant enough from any mishap or blunder. When we step outside of our comfort zone, we’re taking a risk and opening ourselves up to the possibility of stress and anxiety! (Well, who wants that now?) As humans, we are creatures of comfort and taking risks is a menace that we are not well equipped to handle. It is too much of an effort and labor, something that we usually shy away from!

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”
Thomas Jefferson

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Creating a comfort zone is a healthy adaptation for much of our lives. But so is stepping out of our comfort zone – specially when it’s time to change, grow, and transform. Think about it – Your best, most productive moments of life have always been out of your comfort zone, when you were experimenting and analyzing new things/tasks!

Stretching your limits, going for the so-called “impossibles” in your dictionary and challenging yourself are crucial, and almost universal factors in personal growth. Reaching new heights involves the risk of attempting something we might not succeed at! (And that is absolutely OK! Rome was not built-in a day!) Experiencing a little stress and anxiety now and then is a good thing, aiding in evolution of our lives and careers. Even science says so! If we are really going to change our lives and the world we live in we have to be willing to feel uncomfortable. (Unapologetic-ally!)

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What happens when you get out of your comfort zone and try things that raise your anxiety levels just a little bit –

It Will Help You Grow – Taking risks, regardless of their outcome, are growth experiences. Even if you make mistakes or don’t get it right the first time there are always these experiences to take back home. When mixed with the feeling of success, some anxiety and self-doubt – getting out of your comfort zone can lead to undoubted personal growth and development! It is an engaging process, which helps you to eventually become a specialist instead of just a novice. (You wont know until you have tried!)

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal – it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Doing New Things Motivates Us And Helps Us Learn – Daniel H. Pink, author of “Drive : The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” says that what we are ideally looking for is a place of productive discomfort. According to him – “If you’re too comfortable, you’re not productive. And if you’re too uncomfortable, you’re not productive. Like Goldilocks, we can’t be too hot or too cold.” So, the trick is to find a middle ground, where anxiety levels are manageable. This not only expands your comfort zone but also motivates you to safely transition into the “deep seas” where you are not scared to take chances and try new things. (Sometimes we just need to throw our hats over the wall and take a big risk for big rewards!)

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve – the fear of failure.” 
― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

Trying New Things Can Make You More Creative –  If you keep doing things the same way you always have, you will easily fall into a rut. To feed your creativity, you have to step out and try new things. When you try new things, you put your brain into unique situations which forces it to really think. This stimulates creativity, which eventually rubs off in other areas of your life. As a result, you begin to think about everything in a new light. Eventually, it will be easier for you to brainstorm and be more innovative and ingenious, top full of ideas!

“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. ” 
― Coco Chanel

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Understandably, it may seem overwhelming and daunting to step into the unknown. It is tempting to stay where it is familiar, but no one ever got anywhere by staying at one place! Trusting yourself and taking small steps is the key. To begin with, try to make small changes that are not too emotionally challenging. Change your daily and/or work routine. Attempt something new every week, or every month. Try something new – food, music, art, activities you’ve never done (but always wanted to do). Undertake a creative project of any kind, where your thinking is channeled in a whole new way. Be brave and try to add newness to your life. Lastly, be open to adventure and don’t shy away from the freshness – aspire, desire, be determined and have an intent to be an exceptional YOU! (All you have is one life, this life!)


We all have it in ourselves to be better than today, the aim is to trust our instincts and go for it!

How did you get out of your comfort zone? I am all ears!


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    1. That’s an excellent one! Smart and wise! 🙂

      Thank you so much for your kindness. I am glad this post resonated with you!❤️

  1. A wonderful motivating post as usual!

    Fun fact, for years I used to always have my burger plain. I stepped out of my comfort zone, now I have it with tomato! Yeah, I know, I’m a rebel! 😉😊

    1. Thank you so much!❤

      Hahaha.. Awesome! Yes indeed, you are a true #rebelHeart! 😉
      Here’s to many more “rule-breaking” comfort zone changes! 😛

  2. As someone who’s struggled with stepping out of my comfort zones, this post really spoke to me.

    “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” now that couldn’t be more true.

    I’m mic dropping for you because this is truly inspirational. ❤️

    1. Aww.. Thanks love!❤️

      You should be ulti-proud of yourself! It’s not easy to get up and move one’s a** ! Trust me – It’s always the bravest who do something about their state of affairs and change their life and break free and you are one of them!❤️

  3. This is truly an inspiring piece. I myself have a lot of difficulty stepping out of my comfort zone because of my anxiety issues and depression. However, when I do step away at times, I do feel a little growth. If I’m not in my comfort zone, I’d rather be sitting at the park watching nature unfold around me. That is soothing.
    Excellent post! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words!❤️

      You are so right – life is sometimes about taking on challenges head on and sometimes about taking it easy. Balance is the key!😊

  4. Comfort zones have their place but a much smaller place than we give them… Very enjoyable always to read your posts and take a minute to reflect on life.

  5. Considering it’s my job to push people past that zone, it’s also pretty important for you to know what your current limit is so as to be careful not to set yourself up for failure. To use a pool metaphor (I like metaphors 🙄) I’ve seen people dive right in only to sink, or to go back to the shallow end only to stay there because its enough for them so it suits them just fine. It’s only when we cross that rope with the buoys, and start bobbing up and down on tip toes moving with trepidation as we submerse ourselves deeper and deeper, carefully testing our limits. And it is much more gratifying as we continue to push that limit. But it’s realizing where that rope is, which is at different depths for everyone, and then moving out slowly. Sorry, once again the post really stirred some things up. So thank you. (I also have missed your posts recently so I needed to catch up😘💕)

    1. I love the wisdom in this comment! So aptly put and that metaphor makes soooo much sense!😊

      Thank you so much for stopping by! I gotta check your blog too (will do it soonish) – this weekend has been super busy + it’s World Cup finals playing right now!❤️

          1. It was! I was hoping Croatia could have snuck one in toward the end, just to add some more excitement, add that to the fact that I felt like they really controlled the match in the first half.

  6. Our comfort zones are often our most secure self inflicted prisons. Breaking the mould is an important part of personal growth – scary but effective!

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