7 Ways To Seize The Day

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day. It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and SELF CARE!

SEIZING THE DAY – a concept heard too often, but unfortunately a little difficult to attain for us mortals! With a life so busy and the responsibilities so great, who has the time to “enclose” the goodness around, right?

Well, it’s no lie that almost all of us have fantasized about a “perfect” day – a day when we have lived satisfactorily, achieved targets and yet, have found time to live, love and laugh. A day, when we’ve made every second count for something meaningful, something positive. A day, when we have given in our all to be our possible best. A day when we have “lived in the moment!”
Yet,  we brazenly “crush” our dreams of experiencing a fulfilled life and “neglect” the desire to be at peace with our heart! *ugly truth*

“Your life isn’t behind you; your memories are behind you. Your life is ALWAYS ahead of you. Today is a new day – seize it!”
― Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience



Thanks to the 1989 film “Dead Poets Society” which starred Robin Williams – I was introduced to this magical phrase – “Carpe Diem. Seize the day”, which in simple words meant – the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future! *bold but enlivening*
Frankly, if we really look at it closely we can see what a strong and liberating message “CARPE DIEM” holds. It modestly emphasizes on the fact that – life is NOW and life will always only be NOW and the “present moment” is really all that’s available to experience everything in its totality. A simple truth – where we can make our ordinary lives extraordinary by “seizing the day!”

“Seize the moment, seize the day. Dive deep into the depths of experience. Cherish and live with gratitude. Tomorrow is not promised, make every day count.”
― Akiroq Brost

Yes, life is tough! Yes, there’ll be CURVE-BALLS! Yes, life can change in the blink of an eye! And hence, it’s time for us to empower ourselves and remind ourselves of the short time we have in life. Remember, that you’ll die (sorry for the morbidity), and use this “universal fact” as a motivation to make the most of whatever time you’ve got.

“Every single day is an opportunity to do our best. It is important to take action.”
― Akiroq Brost

Friends, it’s time to drop what still holds us back, dissolve the resistance to what we are and to what we could be, and grab life by the horns! Here’s how –


“Procrastination” in reality is the fear to start NOW, to start living. Remember, this is the life we are here for and we must realize that the time to live fully is now. Be courageous and learn to say “yes” to life often. Stop agonizing over what you could have done or what you could do – go out there and do something.


Be wise about where you want to spend your energy. You can either cry and complain about the things that you don’t have or didn’t get, or work your *** off towards achieving it! When you find yourself worrying, take a minute to examine the things you have control over. Recognize that – sometimes, all you can control is your effort and your attitude! When you put your energy into the things you can control, you’ll be much more effective and dynamic.


Life’s too short to hang onto old hurts. When we say seize the day (carpe diem), we do not simply mean grab opportunities that present themselves to you in the present. Seizing the day also means letting go of the past, especially if it’s powerful negative hold on you is preventing you from growing your wings and taking flight. Extend an olive branch, make peace!


Live, learn and laugh – like there is no tomorrow! Find humor in life and do not shy away from being “that” person who smiles a lot! Allow happiness and fun to be part of your life each day.


If we spent every day of our lives in the same routine, life would get pretty boring pretty fast. Live a little, do something different and take a break! If you do things you enjoy, you’re more likely to think positively which directly progresses your confidence levels. Taking time out of your regular day-to-day work and finding new ways to enjoy life is essential to our happiness and well-being.


Being of help to someone is a great way to boost your mood, and you might also find that you feel better about yourself after you do something particularly sympathetic for someone else. It becomes easy to develop a positive mindset when you’re looking for new ways to make someone else’s situation better coz when you are focusing on the good, it naturally becomes difficult to focus on the bad! Volunteer, enlist, enroll – to help other people (and animals) and change how you view the world and yourself.


It’s simple! If it isn’t nourishing your mind, body, or soul – unburden yourself with it. Not everything is worth your time and efforts!

“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.”
James Dean

You are as ripe today as you’re ever going to be, and with that understanding comes an enabling choice – you can either overcome your circumstances or you can let circumstances vanquish you. Believe that you can, and you will! Next time when you find yourself making an excuse – Take a deep breath and look into the  mirror and remind yourself – to focus on making the best of every situation, no matter the outcome, no matter the hardships. It is about believing in your own self and remembering that you are capable and worthy – just as much as anyone else, regardless of what you’ve achieved, regardless of what mistakes you’ve made. Seize the day and strive for “ultimate” happiness!

Here’s to turning over a new leaf! Cheers!



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    1. Thank you so much.. Glad you like it!❤️

      Hahaha.. Feel free to share away! 😉
      Since I am on wordpress.org (self-hosted site) and not wordpress.com – I don not have an option for a re-blog tab! People usually copy-paste my posts to share! 🙁

  1. As many of your previous posts, this post is very inspiring. I have a beautiful nostalgic painting with “Carpe Diem” painted on it in my living room. But how many times do I stop and look at it. A great reminder Richa. Yes, seize the day. ❤️

    1. I hope so too Aixa! 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by, appreciate it a lot!❤️

      PS – Would you check for your spam folder please. Seems like my comments are getting lost somewhere on your blog! 🙁

  2. Robin Williams was also in a film called ‘seize the day’ worth watching. Not a comedy, but one funny moment which I can’t spoil for anyone near the end.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation – adding it to my “watch list! 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by, appreciate it a lot!❤️

  3. I love the list including “be helpful and considerate”. Honestly a lot of “seize the day” lists are focus on just the self, what you want and forgets that life is much richer with loved ones, friends, family and community.

    1. I absolutely agree and advocate that – No “seizing of the day” can happen without being considerate and helpful! It’s indeed the “BEST” possible way to attain happiness! 🙂

      Thank you so much for stopping by, appreciate it a lot!❤️

    1. I agree! We “humans” tend to forget and ignore the simple things in life! 😉

      Thank you so much for stopping by, appreciate it a lot!❤️

  4. Good time to see this considering some things that are not going well. I think though my biggest issue is to stop and look at things without emotion. Specifically I need to remove anger and the emotional response that I am allowing it to take and then approach. So many reasons why we stop or hesitate is because we let our feelings guide us which is not the best path to take in order to seize the day! Namaste

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